12 September 2008

Masonry Home Exteriors & Brick Siding Options

Remember the story of the Three Little Pigs?

There's a reason many build their homes with a brick masonry exterior - brick can withstand all the huffing and puffing that the weather can throw at your house.

If you live in an area that has even minor changes in the weather, as well as the possibility for thunderstorms (and even hurricanes), it might be a good idea to consider either siding your new home with brick or residing your current home using these masonry wonders.

Heavy wind, rain, hail, and water can wear down vinyl and many other types of siding. It's why so many homes have brick exteriors. Brick fell out of favor after so many homes had brick siding from the 50's through the 70's. Everyone switched to vinyl, wood, or stucco siding for their homes. Now, a lot of homeowners now need to replace their siding and are considering brick masonry.

While rain can and does seep into brick siding and thin brick veneer exteriors, modern technology has made it easier to protect homes from damage with special flashing that can re-direct the water away from the house and foundation.

Advantages of Brick Siding:
  • Very durable
  • Fireproof
  • Storm/Weather protection
  • Very solid
  • Great insulator
  • Doesn't fade, rot, or require painting or sealing
Disdadvantages of Brick Siding:
  • Can be expensive to install
  • Requires professional installation
Ready to install brick siding on your home? We can help. Submit your request to ConstructionDeal.com. We'll match you with brick siding installers at no cost. Simply tell us about your project and get quotes from up to 4 brick contractors.

Save Time - get quotes fast instead of calling brick masons at random from the phone book. Save Money - 4 quotes means you'll be able to pick the best bid for your budget.

We help you get your project done at ConstructionDeal.com


aspenbuilders said...

Such a good written post, keep up the good work.

installing vinyl siding said...

Durability of the material really matter during using as a siding in the home. Vinyal, brick and fiber cement are most durable material which can be used to create siding in the house.