05 September 2008

Interior Decoration Ideas: Thin Brick Veneer

Can't decide what color to paint your dining room? Tired of the same-old same-old in your home?

Here's a tip that could really make the interior of your home come to life: cover one or more walls with a thin brick veneer.

What Is Brick Veneer?
A brick veneer is a great choice to accent a room and do something unique that will be the center of conversation at your next party. The thin bricks are applied the same way a traditional brick wall is built. A masonry contractor an create the look and feel of a full clay brick wall with mortar but without the extra weight, extra cost, and extra cleanup costs.

You'll have the same choices of brick colors to choose from that you'd have with regular clay bricks. You can pick the perfect brick shape, style, and color that's right for your house and make a complete wall or even a chair railing for the wall.

The thin brick veneer wall will have the same sound dampening effects that a full wall would have. It will be just as durable, as well. You'll even have the benefits of extra fire protection in the areas of the brick installation.

It's a great addition to any home interior and could even improve the value of the home.

Need to find a brick installer? We can help. Submit your request to ConstructionDeal.com - it's a fast and easy process to find local brick contractors.

There is no cost and no obligation. Save money - get up to 4 quotes and choose the best one. Save time - brick masons call you instead of you searching at random through a phone book and calling businesses.

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